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⚡V2G, V2L & V2H Explained: Vehicle to Grid in Australia? 2025

Posted 30 Aug

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Everything you Need to Know about Vehicle-to-Grid, Home, and Load (V2G, V2H, V2L).

Vehicle to Grid (V2G), Vehicle to Home (V2H), and Vehicle to Load (V2L) are all terms which involve the bidirectional flow of energy between electric vehicles, homes, and/or the grid. V2H and V2G are the 2 main terms, in which V2L is the parent term. These both involve the use of energy stored in electric vehicle batteries for power homes, feed back into the grid, or other various loads.

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Bidirectional Charging is Now Available in Australia

Chris Bowen (Minister for Climate Change & Energy), has announced that V2G standards are now in play which means bidirectional charging IS allowed in Australia! More here.

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Amber & ARENA Partner Up for Vehicle-to-Grid Trials

Amber electric and ARENA have announced their partnership in trialing new vehicle-to-grid technology which will enable bidirectional charging for customers all over Australia.

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What is Vehicle To Grid?

(V2G) Vehicle to Grid refers to the energy from the electric vehicle battery and outputting the energy into the grid using a vehicle to grid charger.

Electric Vehicle batteries can be charged with solar or low-tariff grid prices and discharged back into the grid at times of high demand for rewards including deduction in your energy bill, and additional income, similar to solar feed-in-tariffs.

What is Vehicle To Home?

(V2H) Vehicle to Home or Vehicle-to-building (V2B), enables homes or buildings to be supported by the energy from EV batteries.

Due to the large batteries in EVs, this arrangement allows for a simple backup power solutions in times of grid outages or supplementation in high-demand periods.

Depending on the battery size and usage, this system could power a home for multiple days over extended outages.

What is Vehicle To Load?

(V2L) Vehicle-to-Load is the parent, broader term used for the using an electric vehicle to power any type of electrical load, outside just V2G and V2H. This can include any electrical load, from powering tools on a job site, to supporting emergency efforts with a large portable power bank.

The term V2L is more directed at the usefulness of using Electric vehicles as energy storage systems that can provide a range of solutions.

Tesla electric vehicle

What's the Difference between Vehicle-to-Load (V2L) & Vehicle-to-X (V2X)?

The terms 'Vehicle-to-load', and 'Vehicle-to-X' are interchangeable as they both refer as a broad term of an electric vehicle providing power to a load. They are both simply a 2-way flow of energy, like a phone being able to charge, and discharge to another phone.

What Electric Vehicles have V2H, V2G, and V2L?

Each manufacturer and model will have unique vehicle-to-X capabilities, including V2H, V2G, V2L, V2V, and V2B, but this can get confusing really quickly. Instead of doing hours of research, we developed a reference table of some of the mainstream EVs that support vehicle-to-X technology.

Some vehicles like the Nissan Leaf, Mitsubishi PHEV, and Cupra Born EV support bidirectional charging which is compatible with Vehicle to Home, and some others only support Vehicle-to-Load to charge small appliances.

Whilst bidirectional charging is now available in Australia with the new V2G standards, approved chargers are not currently available, but it expected to change in 2025.

Hyundai electric vehicle

V2H, V2G, and V2L Compatible EV List

Most newer electric vehicles coming out have some sort of Vehicle-to-X capability. Below are some of the electric vehicles with V2X features and their corresponding battery capacity*.


Battery Size (Max, Usable)




Available in Australia?

Ready for V2G in AU?

Hyundai Ioniq 5 72.6 kWh N N Y
(3.6 kW AC)
Hyundai Ioniq 6 77.4 kWh N N Y
(3.6 kW AC)
BYD Atto 3 60.48 kWh N N Y
(2.2 kW AC)
BYD Dolphin 60.4 kWh N N Y
(2.2 kW AC)
BYD Seal 82.5 kWh N N Y
(3.6 kW AC)
Genesis GV60 77.4 kWh N N Y
(3.6 kW AC)
Genesis GV80 87.2 kWh N N Y
(3.6 kW AC)
Kia EV5 64.2 - 88.1 kWh N N Y Y N
Kia EV 6 77.4 kWh N N Y
(3.6 kW AC)
Kia EV 9 Air / Earth 76.1 - 99.8 kWh Y Y Y
(3.6 kW AC)
Kia EV 9 GT-line 99.8 kWh Y
(11 kW AC)
(11 kW AC)
(3.6 kW AC)
Kia Niro EV 64.8 kWh N N Y
(3.6 kW AC)
Mitsubishi Outlander 20 kWh Y Y Y
(1.5 kW AC)
MG4 47.4 kWh N N Y
(2.2 kW AC)
MG ZS EV 72.6 kWh N N Y
(2.2 kW AC)
Nissan Leaf 39 kWh Y
(7 kW DC)
(7 kW DC)
- Y N
Nissan Leaf e+ 59 kWh Y
(7 kW DC)
(7 kW DC)
- Y N
Volkswagen ID.3 series 77 kWh Y
- N N
Volkswagen ID.4 series 77 kWh Y
(10 kW DC)
(10 kW DC)
- N N
Volkswagen ID.5 series 77 kWh Y
(10 kW DC)
(10 kW DC)
- N N
Volkswagen ID.7 series 82 kWh Y
(10 kW DC)
(10 kW DC)
- N N
Ford F-150 Lightning 131 kWh N Y
(9.6 kW AC)
(2.4 kW AC)
Tesla Cybertruck 123 kWh N Y
(11.5 kW)
(2.4 - 9.6 kW AC)
Cupra Born EV 58 - 77 kWh Y Y N Y N
Renault 5 E-Tech 40 - 52 kWh Y
(11 kW AC)
(11 kW AC)
(3.7 kW AC)
Lucid Air Pure 94 kWh Y Y Y N N
Lucid Air Grand Touring 114 kWh Y Y Y N N
Polestar 3 Long Range 111 kWh Y
(11 kW AC)
(11 kW AC)
(11 kW AC)
Volvo EX90 Twin Motor 111 kWh Y
(11 kW AC)
(11 kW AC)
(11 kW AC)
Alpine A290 52 kWh Y
(11 kW AC)
(11 kW AC)
(3.7 kW AC)

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*The below vehicle specifications are compiled, based on global datasheets, articles, and product pages, which are not based on Australian versions of the vehicles, which may have different specifications. These details are purely for reference, and are subject to change in conjunction with the rapidly evolving industry. This table does not represent all EVs capable of V2X technology.

V2L Australia

What Bi-directional chargers are available in Australia?

The only current available bidirectional charger available in Australia is the Wallbox Quasar 1 which has been discontinued and will eventually be replaced by the recently announced Wallbox Quasar 2. Wallbox have not announced the Quasar 2's release in Australia.

With the announcement of V2G standards by Chris Bowen, bidirectional charging is now available in Australia. However, chargers will need to go through the approval process and are expected to come to market in 2025. 

Does V2G and V2H degrade the battery faster?

If an Electric Vehicle is subject to V2G or V2H, it can decrease the life span due to the higher frequent usage of the V2G battery. However, there are controllable methods to ensure the battery is regulated, so the lifespan is not greatly impacted.

Your vehicle's battery degradation will mostly depend on a few factors, your build quality and capacity of your EV battery, consumption habits, and discharge rates.

Fronius Wattpilot vehicle to grid bidirectional charging

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Will V2G Charging have Export Limits?

Most homes are on single-phase which allows for a maximum of 7.4kW charging to your electric vehicle, but will this be the same in exporting back into the grid? EV manufacturers may design their vehicles with discharge limits to protect faster battery degradation, and may even decide to not integrate this technology in the first place.

Ausgrid will consider the impact of additional loads and generation on the distributed network.

Vehicle to load

Solar & Bidirectional V2G Charging Australia

Solar owners will be able to take full advantage of their solar system by introducing a vehicle-to-home enabled electric vehicle which will help them absorb as much solar energy as possible through the day instead of selling it for dirt cheap. Instead, customers can discharge their electric vehicle's battery through peak demand periods for optimal returns to help return-on-investment.

Microgrids that add an electric vehicle to the mix only further their energy independence and stability with the additional battery storage. Whilst electric vehicle's won't take over dedicated home energy storage, the added capacity will allow for even more opportunities in not just rewards, but contributing to grid stability.

Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) & Virtual Power Plants (VPPs)

V2G goes hand in hand with Virtual Power Plants (VPPs), and refers to the situation where many discrete energy sources like homes with batteries of one kind or another are orchestrated by internet borne computer algorithms to either soak up excess energy on the grid like on a sunny day and provide the grid with supplementary energy to the grid in times of need.

Naturally big batteries will be able to supply and receive more energy and improve the grid stabilising effect and quite often its not large swathes of energy that are required but suitably timed large bursts of power either imported or exported; something an EV battery was designed for.

Vehicle to load australia ev charging

EV Charger installation

Is Vehicle-to-Grid Available in Australia?

Yes, vehicle-to-grid is now available in Australia. Chris Bowen, the Minister for Climate Change and Energy recently announced that the new standard allows for vehicle-to-grid charging in Australia.

Whilst this technology is still in its infancy, there are yet to be mainstream chargers and bidirectional solutions to be developed. Now that the standards have been developed, manufacturers for bidirectional charging products can now apply for product approval in Australia.

We expect V2G compatible chargers to be available in 2025 with the approval process now being available.

Other elements may affect availability, like converting to CCS-based bidirectional charging standards, general population awareness and demand, as well as technology development and innovation.


Whilst we see this technology become more available over the coming years, we see promising features that would allow for flexible energy production, storage, and consumption for all types of properties across Australia. We can only wait until the market arises and increases demand for bidirectional charging capabilities.

Our Latest Bi-directional News

2025, the Year of Vehicle-to-Grid in Australia⚡V2G Milestone

The journey of bidirectional charging in Australia has hit a milestone with the recent approval of the new standard for vehicle-to-grid (V2G) charging for 2025.

Amber + ARENA V2G: Vehicle-to-Grid Trials Explained⚡NSW

Amber & ARENA have started trials for Vehicle-to-grid technology in NSW, Australia to help develop standards and framework in V2G and Bidirectional charging.

Bidirectional Charging & V2G is about to Change Australia...⚡

Though bidirectional charging isn't available, vehicle-to-grid is already turning heads in Australia with its potential to change energy consumption and distribution.

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Stephen Thackway wrote:
31 Jan 4:24pm
I am looking at buying a Cupra Born. It appears on your list of cars with bidirectional charging capacity. The Cupra staff I have spoken with have indicated this is incorrect for the models imported into Australia.
Jake L
Jake L replied with:
3 Feb 7:12am
This is mentioned at the bottom of the table - '*The below vehicle specifications are compiled, based on global datasheets, articles, and product pages, which are not based on Australian versions of the vehicles, which may have different specifications. These details are purely for reference, and are subject to change in conjunction with the rapidly evolving industry. This table does not represent all EVs capable of V2X technology.'
David Batchelor wrote:
17 Dec '24 5:48pm
We Have a MG4 EV with V2L functionality also have Solar on the roof and can't wait to utilise Bi directional charging when available to Support the Grid and also power our home with our battery on Wheels..So cool. Looking forward to the future..
Warwick Tweedie wrote:
27 Oct '24 12:23pm
I have an MY23 Ioniq 6 that is NOT in your list but is capable of 3600W V2L. YOu should keep your list up to date if you wish to be taken seriously.
Nunya Beeswax replied with:
11 Nov '24 2:00pm
You should check the descriptions of the table above as it indicates non-Australian Vehicle Specs and its intended purpose is "purely for reference". If you want a table that is constantly updated, please feel free to volunteer your time and efforts to a website that has an interest in publishing such information.
Chenny Chu wrote:
14 Sep '24 1:18pm
Thank you for all your articles, I've learn from them.

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